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The BGCB Scholarship deadline has been extended to Friday, June 19.

Contributed by Josh, Myra H. Kraft Director of Volunteer and Alumni Relations, Boys & Girls Clubs of Boston

Hello seniors and alumni!

These past couple of weeks have been tough ones. The news coming out of Minneapolis and Central Park, and Louisville and Georgia before that, have compounded what has already been a stressful few months. As an organization it is important to us that we are able to offer support to all members of our community in whatever way we can.

If you’ve been following along with these Saturday editions, you probably already know that today was the original deadline to submit the application for the BGCB scholarships. The deadline has been moved to Friday, June 19. If you are applying for a BGCB scholarship, we want you to be able to do so as thoughtfully and as stress-free as possible. The application can be found here whenever you are ready to tackle it! As always, if you have any questions, feel free to reach out to  

You might have also seen our statement from Nicholas CEO and President Josh Kraft earlier this week. At the end of the statement, Josh includes a few resources. These are reshared below for you to explore. If you feel that instead of resources, what you need is rest and a time-out, that’s okay too. Make time to check in on yourself and your health this week.  

Have a great weekend and take care of yourself! 

Additional Resources: 


A detailed list of other helpful resources for youth and caregivers can be found here. It includes a full list of learning resources and activities, resources for food access, financial relief funds, neighborhood support and more.  

In addition, the Suffolk County District Attorney’s office has released a comprehensive COVID-19 Resource Guide that provides a complete picture of all resources available to assist with getting through this very challenging time.

Keep up with all the latest “Club at Home” updates, including fun and interactive content for members to do at home, on our blog.