
Create a Lasting Legacy of Opportunity

Planned Giving

By including Boys & Girls Clubs of Boston in your estate planning, you ensure that future generations of Boston’s youth will have access to life-changing opportunities. Your legacy gift can become part of our endowment, creating a permanent source of support that will transform lives for years to come.

Transform Today’s Success Into Tomorrow’s Legacy

Gift planning can be a helpful tool to transfer wealth to beneficiaries, maximize your overall impact, and achieve your philanthropic goals. You may be able to minimize the impact of the federal estate tax on your beneficiaries, while meaningfully supporting BGCB, through thoughtful estate planning.

There are a number of creative ways that you can give to Boys & Girls Clubs of Boston

Retirement Assets
Charitable Gift Annuities
Charitable Remainder Trusts:

Make BGCB a beneficiary of your IRA

In leaving IRA assets to family, much of the value may be lost through estate and income taxes. By designating BGCB as the beneficiary of all or part of your IRA (using a beneficiary designation form provided by your custodian,) the full value of the gift is transferred tax-free at death and your estate receives an estate tax charitable deduction.

IRA Rollover/Qualified Charitable Distribution

The IRA charitable rollover (also called the Qualified Charitable Distribution, or QCD) is a great way to make a tax-free gift to BGCB and satisfy your Required Minimum Distribution (RMD). If you are not required to take an RMD but no longer itemize your deductions, then a QCD may be right for you as well. You can give any amount (up to a maximum of $108,000) this year from your IRA directly to a qualified charity such as BGCB without having to pay income taxes on the amount.

How Do I Qualify?


  • You must be 70 ½ years or older at the time of the gift
  • Gifts must go directly from your IRA to BGCB
  • Gifts must come from a traditional IRA or Roth IRA account
  • For 2025, total QCD gifts cannot exceed $108,000 per donor

Federal Tax ID:

Be sure to consult your tax and financial advisor when considering any planned gift.


A charitable bequest is one of the easiest gifts to make. It is a gift made through your will, directing that part of your estate go to one or more of your favorite charities. Since a charitable bequest can take many forms, you have considerable flexibility. You can leave a specific asset, a specific sum of money, a percentage of your estate or what remains of your estate after you have provided for other beneficiaries. You can designate exactly how you want your bequest to be used or leave it unrestricted so that Boys & Girls Clubs of Boston has the flexibility to meet our priority needs. Most importantly, you can change any bequest provision during your life, which means you remain in complete control of the process.

Sample bequest language:
“I give, devise, and bequeath (all) or (dollar amount) or (percent) or (the rest and remainder) of my property to Boys & Girls Clubs of Boston, a Massachusetts charitable corporation, located at 200 High Street, Boston, MA 02115, to be used for general purpose or as designated by a future gift agreement.”

Federal Tax ID:

Be sure to consult your tax and financial advisor when considering any planned gift.

Charitable Gift Annuities

Charitable gift annuities (CGA) are one of the most common ways of making a gift while also creating an income stream. A CGA is formalized by a simple agreement between you (the donor) and BGCB. In exchange for your irrevocable gift, the BGCA agrees to pay a fixed amount each year for life. You may also qualify for a charitable deduction depending on which asset is used to fund the gift.

CGAs may be funded with cash, appreciated securities, closely held securities, real estate, and IRA assets. If you are 70½ and older, you can make a one-time election of up to $54,000 to fund a gift annuity.

Boys & Girls Clubs of Boston’s gift annuity program is administered by Boys & Girls Clubs of America. Gift Annuity Rates are subject to change. Please contact us to verify rates and be sure to consult your financial advisor when considering any planned gift.

Be sure to consult your tax and financial advisor when considering any planned gift.

Charitable Remainder Trusts:

There are many reasons to consider a charitable remainder trust (CRT) — to create an income stream during retirement, dispose of highly appreciated assets in a tax-efficient manner, or create a family giving tradition.

To create a CRT, you would transfer money or property to a trust. This removes the property from your estate and allows you to enjoy an immediate income tax deduction if you itemize. The trustee pays you (or your beneficiary of choice,) a lifetime income (the trustee sells any appreciated property free of capital gains tax to make the payments). All remaining assets (the “remainder”) are transferred to BGCB or the nonprofit of your choice.

Be sure to consult your tax and financial advisor when considering any planned gift.

Frederic C. Church Sr. Legacy Society

Let us know if you have included BGCB in your estate plans so we can welcome you to the Frederic C. Church Sr. Legacy Society and recognize your generosity!

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