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The key to accomplishing your goals is to set them and write them down.

Contributed by Walter Weekes Jr., Dana W. Smith Director of Workforce Development, Boys & Girls Clubs of Boston

This week’s Club at Home Weekend Edition focuses on Ready to Work, BGCB’s workforce development initiative! It outlines three steps for teen members to take during this time at home to develop career skills and goals. But first, there’s no better time than now to familiarize yourself with our BGCB Ready to Work (RTW) values. 

Growth Mindset:Understand that intelligence can be developed and your skillsets can always grow. 

Accountability:Accept responsibility for your actions and performance.

Respect:Treat others and yourself with kindness, sincerity, and professionalism. 

Collaboration:Work with others, or within a group to produce positive outcomes. 

Network:Create professional relationships and identify mentors to remain connected to on your future journey. 

Now that you’re familiar, we hope that you can apply these values throughout your BGCB journey and life! 

Step # 1 Self Discovery 

Learn more about yourself and the skills you have and will need for your future. Take this Interest Assessment: in less than 10 minutes, answer questions and learn about careers that match your interests and skill set 

Now that you know more about your skillsyou have a world of opportunity in front of you! Let’s first assess and reflect on the information you received…  

Tip: Create a note in your phone to save your Interest Assessment results 

Were you surprised? Was everything accurate? Did you learn anything new about yourself? What areas or skills do you want to continue building on? What weakness or areas of growth can you focus on for your future? Rate: How motivated am I to make this commitment to my future career and self? 1 to 10 (10 – highest)? 

Step #2: SET GOALS 

Goal setting can be challenging, so it’s important to set S.M.A.R.T. goals: 


Check out this video on how to set S.M.A.R.T. goals and use this S.M.A.R.T. Goals worksheet to create your goals! We don’t expect you to figure out everything in one sitting, one day, or even one week. The important thing is to begin thinking about these things and those actions will help create your visions of the future. 

Once you’ve set your S.M.A.R.T. goals, ask yourself: 

What can I do to help me stay committed?  

Who can I ask to help hold me accountable?   

What staff at the club can I share my goals with? 

Mental acknowledgement is the first step, and finding accountability partners will be helpful as well, as they can help you check in on the goals you’ve established. The key to accomplishing your goals is to set them and write them down.

Step #3: Write A Resume  

Although we don’t know when this season will end, it’s important to still be thinking about the future. When the times comes, any teens eligible and looking for jobs will need to have a resume to apply for any position. 

Check out this helpful resource for how to write a resume. And if you already have one, then it’s time to update it! Here are some additional tips to update and modify your resumes. 

Summer Job Registrations & Deadlines! 

Below are some current job opportunities you can apply for this summer with your new or updated resume. 


Deadline: April 12, 2020. 

Employment in the City of Boston summer employment program begins on Monday, July 6, 2020, and ends on Friday, August 14, 2020. Youth employees will be paid $12.75 per hour, for a maximum of 25 hours per week.  

Boston Private Industry Council (PIC) Jobs –  If you have a Career Specialist at your Boston high school, reach out for additional information on how to access the application or summer internships.


A detailed list of other helpful resources for youth and caregivers can be found here. It includes a full list of learning resources and activities, resources for food access, financial relief funds, neighborhood support and more.  

In addition, the Suffolk County District Attorney’s office has released a comprehensive COVID-19 Resource Guide that provides a complete picture of all resources available to assist with getting through this very challenging time.

Keep up with all the latest “Club at Home” updates, including fun and interactive content for members to do at home, on our blog.