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This tour offered students a thorough exploration of the field of emergency medical services, allowing them to make more informed decisions about their future careers in the field of medicine.

Teens from Boys & Girls Clubs of Boston (BGCB) recently had an unforgettable experience as they were granted an exclusive tour of Brewster Ambulance Service. This visit provided them with a rare glimpse into the inner workings of emergency medical services, where they explored various career paths and witnessed firsthand the impact of critical medical interventions.

Immersed in the Fast-Paced World of Emergency Medical Services

This opportunity was part of a broader pre-college program at Northeastern University, with two of our BGCB members lucky enough to participate in this insightful tour. From the moment they stepped into the facility, the teens were immersed in the fast-paced and life-saving world of emergency medical services. They engaged with professionals who walked them through the diverse roles that keep the ambulance service running smoothly, from the high-pressure dispatch centers to the front-line work of EMTs and paramedics.

Club teens and pre-college program participants, Tee and Jailah, in front of the Brewster Ambulance.


One of the highlights of the visit was the deep dive into the roles of EMTs and paramedics. The teens were invited to explore the ambulance vehicles up close, learning about the specialized equipment used to save lives daily. The professionals didn’t just present information—they engaged the teens in a dynamic Q&A session, answering every question with the kind of detail that only comes from years of experience in the field. By the end of the session, our members were not just more informed; they were inspired by the dedication and skill required to succeed in these critical roles.

Inside the Communications Center

The learning didn’t stop there. The teens were also introduced to the complex world of the communications center, where dispatchers manage 911 calls with precision and calmness. The teens gained valuable insights into the vital role these professionals play in coordinating emergency responses. They heard stories about the different 911 scenarios dispatchers handle—ranging from guiding someone through CPR to assisting in the delivery of a baby. To top it off, the group witnessed a live 911 call, which brought an added layer of realism and intensity to the experience.

Tee in the driver’s seat of the Brewster Ambulance.

A Lasting Impression on Future Careers

This visit to Brewster Ambulance Service wasn’t just an ordinary tour; it was a comprehensive exploration of the emergency medical services field. For our BGCB teens, it opened doors to new career possibilities and provided them with the knowledge to make informed decisions about their futures in the medical field. It was an experience that truly underscored the importance of these unsung heroes in our community and left a lasting impression on the next generation of potential EMTs, paramedics, and dispatchers.

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