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Even during this period of being stuck inside, you can still become a more informed teen developing skills that will help you today and in your future.

Contributed by Walter Weekes Jr., Dana W.  Smith Director of Workforce Development, Boys & Girls Clubs of Boston

Welcome back to Club at Home: Weekend Edition! This week we share more tips on pursuing growth mindset to find your voice, stretch your mind, and not be boxed in by expectations or stereotypes. Read and watch the videos below to learn what’s been inspiring me lately!

By the end of this quarantine if there’s one thing you’ll know it’s Ready to Work value #1, which is…?

That’s right you guessed it: Growth Mindset! This week’s post will be a little different than weeks past. By now, we hope you’ve invested time in working on your resume and thinking about your long-term future goals and accomplishments.

This week’s purpose is to help you identify alternative content that you can watch to improve your knowledge, understanding, and decision-making process. The majority of these videos feature youth on stage being thought leaders. You, too, have the same capabilities, and we hope these videos inspire you to discover your voice and know that BGCB can be your platform to share it.

The first video teaches us more about Growth Mindset. Even during this period of being stuck inside you can still become a more informed teen developing skills that will help you today and in your future

Did you know your thoughts are a direct reflection of your world and understanding? The best way to increase and expand your thinking is by reading. When is the last time you read something that wasn’t an assignment? What was it? It doesn’t have to be Harry Potter thick; start with online articles or blogs that write about things that pique your interest. Then strive to learn something new each day.

This next video features a teen from a local school here in Massachusetts; another young person like you who’s found their voice and is learning how to use it. The importance of this video for you is to understand your roots, your heritage, and from where your family comes. You can never know where you’re going without realizing where you’ve been. When you know how far you and your family have come, we hope it inspires you to go further! Great futures start here.

More than just an athlete, the former NFL player featured in this video brings us a message about being more than the stereotypes and expectations placed on you by others. Enjoy and take notes!

Are you comfortable? Do you think that’s a good thing, yes or no? We hope this video changes your mindset.

Until next time, stay safe, keep growing, and stay connected.

Keep up with all the latest “Club at Home” updates, including fun and interactive content for members to do at home, on our blog.