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By Nia Simpson

We woke up early and drove to the boats. We were on our way to get to the dock but the bus couldn’t fit through the narrow streets so we had to transfer onto tuk-tuks. When I got on one with two other girls we sped off down a winding path to the boat launch. The driver was going fast and cutting around sharp corners like it was an everyday thing. It was exhilarating and it gave me a type of rush I’ve never had before.

Once we got on the boat I went straight to the top deck for a view. When everyone got upstairs I started the music to get the party started. Everyone enjoyed being together listening to music and dancing. We began to practice our dance routine for the cultural exchange at Don Bosco. It was fun learning our dance moves. Then we started watching the boys. It was funny because of the way they were dancing, but it was nice to see them having a good time and getting along.