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Nimo, 9th Grader Boston Latin Academy

Today in Jaipur was the busiest day we’ve had so far. It was my absolute favorite. The first thing we did was ride elephants up a hill to the Amber Fort. We rode in pairs and my partner was Rashawn. When we first saw the elephants we were scared to be riding so high off the ground. However, we adjusted to the height of the ride after a few minutes and enjoyed the scenery all around us.

Getting off the elephants, Sanjay gathered the group to explain the history of this area of India. After that we explored different parts of the fort traveling down narrow hallways and large courtyards. Next we had time to do a little shopping. We saw mostly silk garments and jewelry at a block printing store that used thousand year old methods of making clothes.

The last thing we did was to see a Bollywood film in a local theatre. It was called The State versus Jolly LLB 2. It was about a lawyer who took on corruption to help innocent people. Many people were tired and fell asleep during part of the movie. I stayed awake and thought that was hilarious. Bollywood films are so long we left at intermission because we had a long day and early start the next morning.

Overall, today was a success. I had a great time and am looking forward to the rest of the trip.