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For over 40 years, Boys & Girls Clubs of Boston (BGCB) and John Hancock Financial have worked together to create a better future for Boston and Chelsea’s youth. As one of our most active partners, their commitment to the community helps us expand our reach and increase our impact in the neighborhoods we serve.

A significant component of John Hancock’s support comes from their employees who run the Boston Marathon to raise funds and awareness for BGCB and Ron Burton Training Village. John Hancock President and CEO, Marianne Harrison, recently spoke about the 150 employees engaged in marathon fundraising saying, “our employee runners and volunteers are vibrant wellness advocates within our company and we’re proud of their role in the marathon.” Support from the marathon began in 2012 when John Hancock Financial granted bibs and provided training to its staff to prepare them for the race.

In addition to the financial support from the Marathon, John Hancock’s partnership touches much of the work BGCB does in and around Boston. John Hancock employees are active volunteers at our Clubs, participants on our board, and hosts for a variety of BGCB events at their offices. Josh Kraft, BGCB’s Nicholas President and CEO, describes the importance of our collaboration, “John Hancock Financial’s partnership in this work, especially through the sponsorship of YouthConnect’s EPIC and MLK Scholars programs, provides a critical bridge into the mainstream of society for youth by connecting them with opportunities to grow into positive, responsible, and self-sufficient young adults.”

We look forward to this continued relationship and finding ways to work together to help our young people build strong character and realize their full potential as responsible citizens and leaders.