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Nia, 10th Grader Cathedral High School

We are all still adjusting to the time change in India. My roommates and I woke up at 2am because we could not sleep. We goofed off and made one another laugh for awhile before starting to get ready for the day. Upon leaving the hotel I observed everything around me. It was early morning so the world was quiet. This was much different than the loud street life we saw the day before.

Arriving at the train station was very interesting and nerve-wracking. I don’t use trains in Boston so the whole situation was a little new for me. During the train ride, I liked how other passengers were telling us where to visit. I even met people from different countries like a woman named Sara from the United Kingdom. It was nice to bond with strangers because we all had one thing in common which was to explore and learn about India.

Getting off the train there was a man on the platform who was on the ground holding his foot begging for food, water and money. It was hard to walk past a human being that appeared to be suffering. This sight is not uncommon in India and I wish I could help.

Next we arrived at the entrance to the Taj Mahal about an hour ride on the bus. I think secretly the group loves the bus rides because we get the opportunity to talk to one another and bond. When the Taj Mahal became visible it was absolutely stunning. I will cherish that moment forever. Overall the day brought many different things to us, some good and bad. But my memory of it will be one mostly filled with happiness and wonder.