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Established in 1947, the Youth of the Year Award at Boys & Girls Clubs of Boston recognizes Club members who have shown superior leadership, academic achievement, and service to their respective club community. The annual program builds personal growth and leadership qualities among our young members.

Get to know Deedee, Gerald and Darlene Jordan Boys & Girls Club 2019 Youth of the Year:

Deedee, a dedicated alumna of the Gerald and Darlene Jordan Boys & Girls Club, describes the Club as her safe haven. Most days, you could find Deedee where her Club journey began – the Richard A. Voke Pool. She remembers her very first day at the pool vividly, reflecting on her decision to join the swim team as one of the best decisions she has ever made. Deedee has taken full advantage of the Club’s Aquatics program – beating personal records, attending Nationals in Florida, becoming a certified scuba diver, and serving as a lifeguard and assistant coach.

Over the years, Deedee has been involved in a variety of Club programs and activities including Young Leaders and the Native America Program. When walking through the Club, it is common to see younger members call out her name and run over for a high five. A kind and natural leader, she sets an example as a model Club member for everyone, including her two younger brothers. As a teen member, Deedee always managed to balance a busy school schedule with her continued involvement at the Club. Her strong commitment to both academics and her Club community has been undoubtedly serving her well during her time as a student at Dartmouth College and beyond.