I miss you, I miss the time we had together, the conversation we had, the nights we spent talking about anything and everything.
I hate that we can’t go back to what we were. Ever.
We’ve both changed too much to even recognize each other. I can’t tell people about you because you’ve never existed to them. Maybe to me either, did I just dream you?
Were you ever really there?
Were my feelings real or did I dream that up too?
If you were real, did you feel the same way I felt?
You never gave me anything to give off. I was always giving and giving that when I realized you didn’t do the same I stopped.
And you noticed and got mad. But I was just doing the same thing you did to me.
But you didn’t like that, yet you didn’t wanna give. You gave to everyone else but me.
I don’t think you know what that does to a person who gave everything to you without a second thought.
I texted you tonight saying how I wish we were okay you haven’t responded and I don’t blame you.